Present continuous (I am doing)
Study this example situation:
Sarah is in her car. She is on her way to work.
She is driving to work.
This means: she is driving now, at the time of speaking.
The action is not finished.
Am / is / are + Ving is the present continuous
I am doing something = I'm in the middle of doing it; I've started doing it and I haven't finished:
Please don't make so much noise. I'm trying to work. (Not I try)
'Where's Michael?' 'He's having a shower. (Not He has a shower)
Note: Sometimes the action is not happening at the time of speaking. For example:
Steve is talking to a friend on the phone. He says:
I'm reading a really good book at the moment.
It's about a man who...
Steve is not reading the book at the time of speaking.
He means that he has started it, but has not finished it yet.
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